
- Medieval Islam Resources: Sources I used when writing books
- Food Timeline : A timeline of food through human history
- An Illustrated Guide to Jewish Monsters : This has cool illustrations
- : Historical Fashion References and Resources A very comprehensive Google doc
- : Sustainable, Ethical Clothing Resource You have to pay for this but it's cheap.
- Seventh Sanctum: A ton of name and plot generators
- Kidlit 411: If you're interested in writing for kids
- Literary Agent Databases What it says
- How Long Should Your Book Be?: This was useful to me.
- Plant Colors on Other Worlds: Someone's fun creative project
- Query Shark : How to query an agent if you want to be published
- Worldbuilding Clothing and Fashion: A great resource for clothing and fashion ideas.
- Worldbuilding Bible Template: Good starting point
- Designing a Fantasy City: Even has tips on how to do maps
- Worldbuilding Checklist: Another good starting point
- The Submission Grinder: Useful resource for writers
- Flexbox Froggy: Fun game to learn how to use flexboxes in CSS
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